Introductory Offers
2 weeks of unlimited classes expires 14 days after the date of the clients first visit. Intro to Private Sessions expires 3 months after the date of the clients first visit. Offers are non-refundable and non-transferable.
2 weeks of unlimited classes
3 Private Pilates Sessions $199
(Private and Semi-Private training is not included.)
Auto renews monthly, non-refundable, non-transferable, classes do not roll over. Enjoy special discounts on private training and special workshops. Private and Semi-Private equipment training is not included.
Please note we have a six hour late cancellation window for all group classes. Those with Intuit 5-Class Membership who cancel after the six hour window will lose that class. Those with Intuit Unlimited Membership who cancel after the six hour window will be charged a $10 fee.
Group Classes
Includes Mat Pilates, Barre, Ballet, Yoga, Body Rolling. Does not include private and semi-private training. Non-refundable, non-transferable. All pricing options expire 6 months after purchase date. Please note we have a six hour late cancellation policy. If you cancel your class after the six hour window your class will still be pulled from your package.
Private and Semi-Private Pilates
Private and Semi-Private packages are only sold in person, credit card fees apply. Expires 6 months after sale date, non-refundable, non-transferable. We have a 24 hour cancellation policy for private and semi-private training.
Private Pilates Training
2 students receive semi-private training. Both students must be present in class to receive the duet pricing. To book this option please contact studio to schedule.
- Single Duet - $110 ($55 each student)
- Package of 4 Duets - $360 ($180 each student making it $45 each student per class)
- Package of 10 Duets - $800 ($400 each student making it $40 each student per class)
Holistic Nutrition Coaching
Expires 6 months after sale date, non-refundable, non-transferable, 24 hour cancellation policy applies.
- Single Nutrition Coaching Session - $95
- Nutrition Coaching Package - $210
If you want to take classes or join one of our teacher training programs but are looking for financial assistance please reach out to the studio to discuss an option that may work for you.